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Monday, December 13, 2010

Force “Not Responding” Programs To Shutdown Automatically

Sometimes when we try to shutdown our PC a message is displayed saying that it cant because some program is not responding and then we have to manually click on the end now button to close it. But here’s a little registry trick which will automatically close the Not Responding programs

a). Go to start and open run, type regedit and enter to open registry settings.

b).When regedit is opened browse to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop and select Desktop

c). There you will find the string called EnableAutoLayout, right-click it select modify from the pop-up menu and change the data value from 0 to 1. If there is no key of such name then create it by selecting Edit > New > String Value and set the data value to 1.

Now exit regedit and reboot your PC and its done.

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